From Beyond the Grave


The championship round for March Madness book club style begins today! Be sure to open your newsletter and cast your final vote for a chance to win the championship series.


Our next Coffee & Books event will be on April 20th from 1:00-2:00pm EST. Authors Karen Witemeyer, Jodi Bayse, and Sarah Sundin will be joining us for a live Q&A session. This event is free, but you will need to register to attend and you can do so by clicking the link in this blog post. Come enjoy an hour with some of your favorite authors.


Authors we have a deep dive into Scrivener scheduled for April 3rd from 5:00-6:00pm EST. Sara Turnquist gave us a brief overview of Scrivener in February. Author and editor Liz Tolsma will be providing a deep dive into Scrivener so you can efficiently maximize its potential as an author. This training is free for HCRW members and $17 for non-members. Click the link in this blog post to join us on April 3rd at 5:00pm EST.


I want to share this big announcement again in case you missed it last week. You will not see much from us on social media moving forward. Because of our Christian content, we are constantly throttle to the point very few of our followers see our posts. It takes a lot of time for me to create images, videos, verbiage for the posts and then schedule them all, only to have them not reach our followers. This is quite frustrating. I don’t have control of social media, but I can control my newsletter list. So please, if you have not signed up for our newsletter and you want to keep up with what we are doing and offering at LiteraryScape, sign-up now. Receiving our newsletter once a week is the only way to ensure you do not miss anything. And of course, feel free to share we’d love to connect with more readers and writers like you. You can sign-up for our newsletter at


Episode Notes

In this episode Jamie and Melissa discuss In Too Deep by Lynn H. Blackburn. This is the second book in her Dive Team Investigations series. We have thoroughly enjoyed her series and the inspiration she has packed into these amazing novels. I know it is a bit outside of our genre, but I highly recommend these books to our listeners.


Topics we discuss:

·      The need to trust God when we don’t understand our circumstances.

·      The joy of humor and banter among friends.

·      God’s relentless pursuit of us.

·      Connecting to God through prayer.

·      When a woman gives her heart to a man.

·      God never abandons us.

·      Not putting God in a box.


Sales Funnels & Marketing Strategies with Becky Kopitzke


Best Friend’s Sister