About the Author

Melissa LaShure was born into a family of six girls (no brothers) which means her childhood was always eventful. After high school she obtained a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with a minor in special education. Melissa thought she would teach in the same classroom for the next thirty years and then retire. However, God had other plans for her. She went on to obtain her master’s degree in Educational Administration. During her tenth year of teaching, she moved into her current position as Director of Curriculum and Assessment.

Working with staff and students brings its challenges and joys. It was after taking this position that Melissa felt a strong call to write. During college she had taken a literature class where she had to write a short story. Melissa’s professor encouraged her to continue to write, but as she was focused on her career in education, this was put on the back burner. In 2018 she wrote and independently published a young adult book. This was a learning experience that led her to seek advice from professionals within the industry.

            America in the 1800’s has always been a piece of history that enthralled Melissa. At a young age her family participated in a local yearly rendezvous where they dressed and lived, for the weekend, as the pioneers would have. Now as an adult she enjoys reading fictional books that whisk her back to the enchanting and adventurous wild west!

            In addition to reading these books, she enjoys discussing them with her sister and best friend on her LiteraryScape: Book Club podcast! If you want to learn more about her life, what books she reads, and what her thoughts are on current historical inspirational novels, then be sure to check out her podcast.

            After thoroughly immersing herself in the historical fiction genre, Melissa is now enjoying creating her own wild west adventures. Full of faith, humor, adventure, and romance you won’t want to miss out on her up and coming novels. Join author Melissa LaShure as she brings her stories to life!